Love Story meets Viva la Vida

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Utah Trip

I was able to go to Utah this past weekend so I could go to the Temple with my little Brother Mike when he went through for the first time.

He decided to go to the Salt Lake Temple. It was amazing going to such a historical yet spiritual place.

I am so proud of him and how he has lived his life in order to be able to serve our Heavenly Father! He will be a great missionary!

He chose an 8am session though which meant getting up at 5:30!! That was painful after getting to bed late and it being 4:30 AZ time! Wow!

Heather did baptisms for the first time as she was waiting, accompanied by Mike's friend Ryan.

Right after the temple, Ryan, Mike, Heather and I traveled down to Wendover, NV to an airshow. We drove by the Salt Flats that were crazy white with Salt for miles and miles!

The hose to wash your feet wasn't even close to here. Silly but cool pict.

Ryan got a pict of Heather licking the salt

Mike to a pict of all of us taking a picture of the salt. Funny. I don't recall him stealing my camera to take this.

We barely missed the final air event of an F-16 and some other plane. SUCKS!

We stuck around for a while to make our time worth while. I didn't realize this until Dan at work pointed it out but this is a KC-135 air refueler for jets. I wish I knew!

This was a A-10 Warthog. Heather climbed up and talked to the pilot and held a huge bullet.

This is my F-16. You can see the KC-135 in the background. The refueler line is hanging out behind the tail.

This is a black widow down in the window well I climbed down to see Karynne! Matt killed it with Windex when he cleaned the window for me.

Beautiful steps at the castle by Provo hospital.

The Castle itself

An Apache helicopter.

I was able to see Karynne for the first time. I had to see her through a window which is better than not at all. Of course I took some picts and this is the best I could get but I think its the best I've received.

She weighs just over 6lbs. Grandma (Mom) was very happy today because she was able to hold Karynne for the first time!

Matt and Kirstyn (the proud new, young, parents) have allotted 6 people who are allowed to see her and hold her. There are 2 people that are allowed to see her once a month. All this until March or April? Around Easter I guess. She is going to be so big by then.

I guess it is RSV season and her immune system is so low. She has to get an expensive shot once a month.

I had a really great time with my family. We didn't go on any big hikes like usual but it was even better chilling at the house, talking and playing a few games.

It felt good to have Eric miss me for a while, but it was really nice to be back home to see him again!

I'm a lucky woman! I have a wonderful family and an amazing boyfriend who loves me very much.



Are the salt flats also called white sands?....(don't mock the ignorant:)! Your lil' neice is ADORABLE, she has beautiful shaped lips!

Anonymous said...

in the pic where im licking the salt, my butt is sticking up in the air!!!! lol

Megan said...

Oh, I love all of the pictures! How cool, Liz!

r.l.secor said...

I've been wondering where all the pictures from your trip were - I was looking all this time at the wrong site - then it dawned on me... ah another blonde moment for miss Becca, oh well. Can't say there's all that much up there anymore anyway!