Learning to See: Documenting A Place
- Take Photos at least 3 different times of the day.
- A variety of lighting conditions
- Variety of focal lengths
- include detail shots
- wide shots that reveal some of the surroundings
- a variety of points of view
- should express your personal vision of the place you chose
Here is my handsome prince....

Here is my typed description of my photographic process. I haven't written a paper for school in many many years so format was not observed.
Location: Superstition Mountain Museum – The White Chapel
What I now know is called the Elvis Presley Memorial Chapel sits along Hwy 88 or Apache Trail on the way to my favorite Superstition Mnt hike and Canyon Lake. I would pass by this chapel many times admiring it before and after my many adventures in the Mountains. Knowing a little about the background of the area's Lost Dutchman history made the little white chapel much more appealing. I have longed for the opportunity to photograph it. My boyfriend wouldn't have the patience for me to photograph the Chapel in such detail and various lighting had it not been for this assignment.
I had previously only seen the Chapel driving by, slowing down to get a better glance. I have to admit I did not want to know the story behind the Chapel before I photographed it and I am glad I did not know. Knowing the real story and name would have altered the way I looked at and possibly photographed it.
I did discover that in front of the Church, guarding it from the road was a forest of Cholla or jumping cactus. It was visable from the road the whole time but I never paid attention to it until it at first seemed in my way of the perfect photos. Instead I used it to show how it was a wall protecting the White Chapel from harm.
The photos that were the most successful were those with the Superstitions behind the steeple. The White Chapel appears majestic against the red rock back drop and deep blue sky. The PM shots had the richest and most vibrant lighting. My favorite lighting was the later Sunset as the sun was almost all the way down. The Chapel and surroundings look quiet and peaceful as the cooler colors seep into the picture.
If I were to reshoot the assignment I would try some early morning shots with the sun coming up from behind the mountain. I would love to see what lighting that would create on the mountains. The church could almost be a silhouette in the sunrise.
There were 4 external challenges I faced during this photo shoot. The distance was the biggest obstacle. It is a good 30-40 minute drive from my house. During the day people at the museum wondering into my picture were quite a challenge. As night approached so did the bugs. They were swarming everywhere from the warm air and new plant blooms. They followed me around buzzing in my ear and eyes. The wind was probably the biggest challenge in the first visit around 11am. It was so windy that I could not keep the camera steady. Higher shutter speeds for certain shots against the wind were necessary. I had a few blurred and out of focus images as a result of the wind pushing me.